The ADULT e-zine of the free word.  

The blog of :

FancyFree ezine




The blog of FancyFree

17 August 2005

The e-zine has an address

This should be its home from now on.

15 August 2005

Blog in FancyFree format

This blog is to be the associated blog for FancyFree e-zine; as such, it should have the characteristic FancyFree look and feel. I am working on the template.


FancyFree, the e-zine of the free word, will be born, if at all, 1 Nov 2005.

This will be its associated blog.

Here is some bits from various pages as they exist at the moment.


editor: David Nunes da Silva

This e-zine is not limited to sexual content, but there will be some, and the whole e-zine is intended for adult readers. Children, please play elsewhere.

FancyFree is about fiction offered free on the internet. It will have stories, recommendation lists of stories, reviews of free content, and articles about free fiction.

Good non-fiction writing, and work that is not words, such as music, video, paintings, and art photography, will also be included, but only from the world of free content - a free review of a commercial movie should not be sent here.

This is a distributed 'zine. The content is hosted on web space belonging to each author. ( Authors : if you don't have web space, don't worry. This 'zine will help you get some free space, and submission to this 'zine should be only a little more complicated than sending stories to an archive. )

All work submitted will be accepted, and becomes part of the distributed 'zine.

However, not all work is guaranteed the label "published by FancyFree." At this point I don't know if I will get any submissions at all, so I expect to "publish" everything that comes in.

NOTICE - Submitted work will not be denied a link for being offensive, even to the most extreme degree. The fact that FancyFree notes that a web page exists, does not mean this e-zine endorses it. So please follow links with care, and pay attention to warnings. Since the actual pages are hosted at the authors' sites, FancyFree cannot remove them.